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Birding Inca Trail Trek Machupicchu 8d/7n

Travel Your Dreem Tour




8D/7N days


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Birding Inca Trail Trek Machupicchu 8d/7n

Arrival Airport: Cusco – Transfer time to hotel 30min Departure Airport: Cusco – Transfer time to hotel 30min Our adventure begins in the Morning on the first day and ends at end of the last day. Travel Visa: Not required
Birding Inca Trail Trek Machupicchu 8d/7n

Tour Details

Our Birding Inca Trail Trek Machupicchu 8D/7N Embark on the ultimate adventure of a lifetime with our Birding Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu, an 8-day/7-night journey that combines the thrill of trekking along the ancient Inca trail with the excitement of birdwatching in one of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. This unique experience offers a perfect blend of history, nature, and exploration, ensuring you create unforgettable memories.Embark on the Inca Trail, setting out from Cusco towards Huayllabamba. Along the way, keep your eyes peeled for a variety of bird species, from vibrant hummingbirds to elusive Andean condors.As you continue your trek, traverse through breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems, encountering various bird species that call this region home. Your experienced birding guide will help you spot and identify the avian inhabitants.Capture breathtaking views as you climb through rugged terrain. Birdwatching opportunities abound as you encounter unique high-altitude species, capturing their beauty through your binoculars and cameras.The pinnacle of your adventure awaits as you arrive at Machu Picchu. Explore the ancient ruins and take in the breathtaking vistas. Your birding guide will enhance your experience by pointing out the feathered residents that inhabit this historical sanctuary.Explore the surroundings of Aguas Calientes, a haven for numerous bird species. Your guide will help you spot toucans, quetzals, and other iconic birds against the backdrop of lush tropical vegetation. Highlights of the Birding Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu: Expert birding guides with in-depth knowledge of local species and habitats. Trekking through diverse ecosystems, from high-altitude Andean landscapes to lush cloud forests. Close encounters with a wide array of bird species, including rare and endemic ones. Immersion in the history and culture of the Incas, culminating in the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu. Intimate group sizes that ensure personalized attention and a meaningful experience. Join us on this extraordinary journey that combines the thrill of birdwatching with the magic of the Inca Trail and the magnificence of Machu Picchu. It’s a celebration of nature, history, and adventure, all rolled into one unforgettable experience. Book your Birding Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu today and let your spirit of exploration take flight!

Price Based Per Person:

1 people : US$2850.00 per person
2 people : US$2250.00 per person
3 people: US$2200.00 per person
4 people : US$2150.00 per person
5 people : US$2100.00 per person
6 people : US$2050.00 per person
7+ people : US$2000.00 per person

Others Info:

Group Size

1 – 8 Guests

Experience | Difficulty

  • Beginner, amateur, enthusiast and semi-pro photographers
  • DSLR, mirrorless, compact or iPhone cameras
  • Moderate schedule
  • Travel by car or minibus
  • Moderate elevation changes and lots of walking and hiking (none of our adventures have difficult hikes)
  • (non-photographers also welcome)


  • 8 Days
  • Travel, landscape, nature, wildlife and people photography
  • Professional photographer | guide
  • Photo walks & discussions
  • Small group size (1-8 guests)
  • Hotel, Camping
  • Breakfasts
  • All Meals
  • National Park Permits
  • Local transportation

Travel Information

Arrival Airport: Cusco – Transfer time to hotel 30min
Departure Airport: Cusco – Transfer time to hotel 30min
Our adventure begins in the Morning on the first day and ends at end of the last day.
Travel Visa: Not required


Hotel Camping

Day 1

Abra Malaga (the pass 4316m)

We will need an early start as we drive up to a very high pass at 14,000 ft (4,316 m). Near the pass are groves of Polylepis woodland with several globally threatened species such as Royal Cinclodes, Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant, and the endemic White-browed Tit-Spinetail. The walking is quite moderate due to the elevation. Sourrouding the Polylepis forest we may see Andean Goose, Crested Duck, Mountain Caracara, Andean Lapwing, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Andean Flicker, Tawny Tit-Spinetail, Streak-throated Canastero, Line-fronted Canastero, Stripe-headed Antpitta, Puna Tapaculo, Taczanowski´s Ground-Tyrant, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Rufous-webbed Bush-Tyrant, Giant Conebill and Black Siskin Later in the day we will target other species in the roadside scrub such as the endemics White-tufted Sunbeam, Creamy-crested Spinetail and Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch. The Night we stay in Ollantaytambo.

Day 2

Abra Malaga (cloud forest 2700m)


Early start to drive up the pass and arrive to the upper montane evergreen forest, chusquea bamboo forest, streams and scrubs. We may see Imperial Snipe, Golden-plumed Pararakeet, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Great Sapphirewing, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Sapphire-vented Puffleg, Scaled Metaltail, Purple-backed Thornbill, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Puna Thistletail the endemic Marcapata Spinetail, Pearled Treerunner, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Rufous Antpitta, Rusty-breasted Antpitta, Undulated Antpitta the endemic Red-and-white Antpitta, Diademed Tapaculo, Trilling Tapaculo, Highland Elaenia, Sierran Elaenia the endemic Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant, Black-throated Tody-Tyrant, Bran-colored Flycatcher, Rufous-bellied Bush-Tyrant, Smoky Bush-Tyrant the endemic Inca Wren, Mountain Wren, Great Thrush the endemic Parodi´s Hemispingus, Rufous-chested Tanager, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager, Plushcap, Tit-like Dacnis, Blue-backed Conebill, Moustached Flower-piercer, Stripe-headed Brush-Finch the endemic Cuzco Brush-Finch, Golden-bellied Grosbeak, Mountain Cacique and many more. In the late afternoon, we will drive back to Cusco.

Day 3

Cusco / Piscacucho (km 82) / Huayllabamba


Our vehicle will take us to the trail head at Piscacucho (76 kilometers by paved road and 15 kilometers by dirt road – 3 hours). From the trailhead we will follow the left bank of the Urubamba River, enjoying fine views of snow-capped Mount Veronica (5850 meters / 19,188 feet). After lunch, we will visit the ruins of Llactapata before continuing along the Huayllabamba valley to our campsite near the village of the same name (2968 meters / 9737 feet). Today We might see this kind of birds.
Torrent duck Merganetta armata, American kestrel Faclo Sparveius cinnamominus,Green Violet ear Colibri coruscan,Giant hummingbird patagona gigas,Sparkling violet ear Colibri coruscan,Andean hillstar Oreotrochilus estella, Sword Billet Hummingbird ensifera ensifera,Black tailet trainbearer lesbian victoriae,Green tailet trainbearer,bearded mountaineer oreonympha nobilis,creamy crested Spinetail cranioleuca albicapilla, Rusty fronted canastero Asthenes ottonis,Yellow billet tit tyrant Anairetes flavirostris,Blue and yellow tanager thraupis bonariesis,Peruvian sierra finch phrygilus punesis,Black throated flowerpiercer diglossa brunneiventris, Black chested buzzard eagle geranoaetus melanoleucus,
Altitudes: Cusco 3400 meters / 11,159 feet; Piscacucho (Km 82): 2650 meters / 8692 feet; Llactapata: 2610 meters / 8563 feet; Huayllabamba: 2968 meters / 9737 feet

Day 4

Huayllabamba / Pacaymayo

From the village of Huayllabamba the trail climbs steadily through high Andean woodland to the plain known as Llulluchapampa, just before the first pass, from where there are excellent views of the Huayanay mountain chain. After another two hours walking we will reach Warmiwañuska Pass (4205 meters / 13,795 feet), before descending as far as the canyon of the Pacaymayo River (3604 meters / 11,821 feet), where we will make our second camp. We might see this kind of bird.
Blue mantled thornbill Chalcostigma stanleyi,White tufted sunbean Aglaeactis castelnaudii,Shining sunbean Aglaeactis cupripennis,Slender billed miner Geositta tenuirostris,Cordilleran canastero Asthenes modesta,Stripe headed Antpitta Grallaria Andicolus,Red crested cotinga Ampelion rubrocristata,Tawny rumped tyrannulet Phyllomyas uropygialis,Brown backed chat tyrant Ochthoeca fumicolor,whute winget black tyrantknipolegus aterimus,Scarlet bellied mountain tanager Anisognathus igniventris, Bluish flowerpiercer Dioglossa caerulescens,Golden billioed saltator saltator aurantiirostris,Andfea corndor vulture gryphus,puna variable hawk buteo polyosoma poecilochrous,
Altitudes: Huayllabamba: 2968 meters / 9737 feet; Llulluchapampa: 3767 meters / 12,359 feet; Warmiwañuska: 4205 meters / 13,795 feet; Pacaymayo: 3604 meters / 11,821 feet

Arrival Airport: Cusco – Transfer time to hotel 30min Departure Airport: Cusco – Transfer time to hotel 30min Our adventure begins in the Morning on the first day and ends at end of the last day. Travel Visa: Not required

Day 5

Pacaymayo / Phuyupatamarca


The trail climbs to the second pass at Runkuracay (3950 meters / 12,956 feet), from where there are views of both the Vilcabamba and Urubamba mountain ranges. After a short rest we will descend along a paved Inca road to the ruins of Runkuracay and Sayacmarca, which have been recently restored. Here we enter the cloud forest and in the afternoon the trail continues via a series of stone steps past the ruins of Phuyupatamarca (3640 meters / 11,942 feet) where we will camp for the night. We might see this kind of bird.
Scalet metaltail metallura aeneocauda,puna thistletail Schizoeaca helleri,Pearled treerunner Margaronis Squamiger,Undulated antpitta grallaria Squamigera,Vilcabamba tapaculo Scytalopus urubambae,orchraceus brested flycatcher,Rofopus breasted chat ttyrant ochthoeca rufipectoralis,Golden collared tanager iridonorsis taeniata,Chesnut bellied Mountain tanager delothraupis castaneoventris,Tit like dacnis dacnis cayana, Bluish flowerpiercer Dioglossa caerulescens,Moustached flowerpiercer diglossa mysticalis,White throated hawk buteo albigula,
Altitudes: Pacaymayo: 3604 meters / 11,821 feet; Runkuracay Pass: 3950 meters / 12,956 feet; Phuyupatamarca: 3640 meters / 11,942 feet

Day 6

Phuyupatamarca / Machu Picchu


From Phuypatamarca, the trail descends a vertiginous slope along a remarkable set of stone Inca steps, a descent of approximately three hours to the picturesque ruins of Wiñay Wayna (2665 meters / 8743 feet), an Inca site set in dense forest. The Wiñay Wayna complex was once inhabited by Inca farmers who used terracing to reclaim these steep slopes for agriculture. It is composed of around structures (which have all been restored), as well as an irrigation system and a splendid Inca temple. You will have at least an hour to explore the ruins of Winay Wayna on foot.In the afternoon we will walk for another two hours, enjoying the spectacular scenery along the way, with the Urubamba River far below, until we reach Intipunku (Sun Gate), from where we will get our first glimpse of Machu Picchu. From here it is a forty minute walk to the Inca city. We might see this kind of bird.Montane Woodcreper Lipidocolaptis lacrymiger,Trilling tapaculo Scytalopus parvirostris,black throated tody tyrant hermitriccus granadfensis,white banded tyranulet Mecocerculus stictopterus,white colared jay Cyanolyca viridicayanus,Sedge wren Cistothorus platensis,Blue and black tanager tangara varsorii,Plush cap catamblyrhynchus diadema, Bluish flowerpiercer Dioglossa caerulescens,
Altitudes: Phuyupatamarca: 3640 meters / 11,942 feet; Wiñay Wayna: 2665 meters / 8743 feet; Intipunku: 2693 meters / 8833 feet; Machu Picchu: 2460 meters / 8071 feet; Aguas Calientes: 2070 meters / 6791 feet.

Day 7

Machupicchu to Cusco


Early morning for birding and visit to the Citadel of Machu Picchu (2400m) lost city of the Incas is so well known from the numerous photographs and articles that feature this extraordinary place that it seems almost unnecessary to describe its dramatic setting amongst the Andes. The city is perched on a narrow ridge high above the Urubamba River and on seeing the precipitous slopes on all sides one can easily appreciate why it remained undiscovered for so many years. The area around Machu Picchu has been cleared of forest and so scrub and bamboo thickets are now the predominant habitat, inhabited by the noisy endemic Inca Wren, although some forest patches can be found along the river valley. Other species we may find in the area include Mitred Parakeet, White-tipped Swift, Green-and-white Hummingbird, Collared Inca, Ocellated Piculet, Streaked Xenops, Variable Antshrike, Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet, Rusty Flowerpiercer, Oleaginous Hemispingus, Yellow-bellied Seedeater, Hooded Siskin. Along the Urubamba River, where Torrent Duck and White-capped Dippers can regularly be seen along the fast flowing river.This afternoon we spent birding at the botanic garden. We may see: Green Hermit, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Speckle-faced Parrot, Sclaters Tyrannulet,Glossy-black Thrush and the endemic Masked Fruiteater, Torrent Tyrannulet, Fawn-breasted Tanager, Saffron-crowned Tanager, Slaty Tanager, Silver-backed Tanager, Capped Conebill, Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch and Orange-bellied Euphonia. In the late afternoon we will return to Cusco.



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